Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Quick, Whats The Number To 119?

"Everything in China is upside down!" Can you remember when the bigger kids would try and mock your gullible innocence with this joke?   Well after two years here I am happy to inform you that they were in fact wrong, except for the number to call for emergency help: 119!

Today, I experienced a live scene from the Little Rascals play out in front of me. While riding my bicycle home I was hit by an electric scooter oblivious to his surroundings. I prevented him from riding off until I had inspected my bike for damage when a person sitting in a stopped car yelled at him, "Call 119!" He responded by saying, "Whats that?" This guy was clearly a moron and had to be told,"The police." So, in his infinite wisdom he replied, "Whats the number?"

I tried to mock him by saying, "You don't event know the number to 119?" but my cynicism was instantly repeled by his moronic nature when he said in Chinese, "I don't understand you!"

That will teach me for being such a smart ass!

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